Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hello family and friends...
Well as most of you know I had surgery on Tuesday, January 20th. All went well, I spent two days and one night in the hospital and have spent my first day at home. Bethy was so nice and came over to visit me and entertain me. She read me part of a story and we watched a chick flick. I get to watch those when I have the miseries ;) Blake has been taking very good care of me. Its hard for me to move around, being so sore and all.. so all the little things add up. He is very good to me, I am so lucky!
I am two days out (three without food), and have already lost 10.6 pounds. I couldn't believe it, I think I re-weighed myself half a dozen times.
I think of food so entirely different now. I'm not even hungry.. so far I have to even force the jello and chicken broth down. Which is good, however my sense of smell has changed quite a bit. My fruity smelling hand soaps are so sickening sweet to me now, it makes me nausiated! Its going to be a rollercoaster adventure, but it will be worth it.
Oh yeah and my surgeon found a tumor on my liver, thinking it could be cancer, but he says it looks "benine" meaning it didnt look like it was cancerous, so he cut it off and had it sent out to be tested just in case. I will know more about that next week. I'm sure it will be fine though.
Anyways, thats the update! I hope to keep you updated often on this journey. Its gonna be a fun ride! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. They were much appreciated. I love you all!

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