Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One Week (8 days) Post-Op...

Well hellooooo!
This week has been full of ups and downs! Still in the recovery process of course, so it has been a week of sleepless nights, until last night, I got sleep finally!! It was glorious! And when I woke up this morning, I weighed myself to find that I have lost 28 lbs! I thought my scale broke, so I weighed myself six different times, just to make sure. Yup, 28 lbs. I know, I can't believe it myself. That, and people telling me I'm melting.. are the positive moments like this, that makes this whole painful and tiring process worth it! Another thing that comes along with getting smaller. I'm always freezing my bummy off!! I'm losing my perma-coat. Winter is not kind to me! I am looking forward to summer, when I can get away with shorts and cute summer dresses... weeeee!!

1 comment:

  1. I knew I would find you ! Sweet glad to hear you are getting some sleep! I'll be gone when you come back to work .... keep me updated on how your doing .
