Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My "children" (Pets)

This is Bella, at one day old. It was love at first sight! It was that moment that Blake knew he was doomed. She is so little.. they grow up so fast! Hahaha :) She has grown up pretty wild and free. She is now pretty fast. Meaning.. hard to catch! She has quite the spirit.

This is Blake with Turk. The third, yet our largest "Ferret Child". He is the size of a small cat. He is the one that looks most like one of his ancestors, the raccoon. We sometimes call him "Tubby" or "Fatty" or "Behemoth"... you get the idea. He is pretty mellow, not sure if its because of his size, but he does aim to please. He does not like it when we get upset with him, so because of his nature, it rarely happens.

This is Carlie, the youngest. She is only two months old. She is so small, she fits in Blake's palm. She may be little, but she is the loudest, and most definitely can hold her own! She screams and chirps pretty loudly, and because of her size I can only imagine she's getting picked on, I've come to realize that she provokes the boys, and when things dont go her way, she screams for help! Isn't that how most youngest siblings are? :)

This is JD (left) the oldest, and Ellie (right) the 2nd oldest. JD is our "ferret child" that is "special" and requires the most attention. We sometimes think he may have A.D.D. He LOVES going on walks, and when he is excited his tail puffs out like a pipe cleaner. He is our "rebel" and even has a mohawk! Ellie is a sweetheart. She cuddles, as you can see, and she is the kisser. She will lick your face, your hands, anywhere she can reach. She just likes to love :)

This was Christmas Eve of 2007. Right before Laurel went off on her mission that most of us have been hearing about weekly. I just threw it in there because when she is home, she eats all my food.. much like my "children". Haha! No.. I just miss her. And will miss her greatly this Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. hi :) I was looking at your ferret's photos and was wondering if you mind me picking your brain for some questions about them. My boyfriend and I just got our ferret Felix about a month ago he is about 4 mos old and is super hyper. He digs a lot even in his litter and food, and when he plays more often now than earlier he's starting to bite hard. We tell him no and put him in his cage when he does this but it just doesn't seem like it's helping. we can't let him just run around all day because of our schedules and because we're afraid he won't use his litter box. just wondering if you have any suggestions. if you can e-mail me faleedravineyard01@hotmail.com or just post something else on here I'll keep a look out... thanks so much!
