Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Beginning of the blogs!

Hello Family and Friends!

It would seem that I am behind the times, everyone has a blog. I finally decided to join the "in" crowd. Also, I thought it would be a great way for family and friends far away to keep tabs on whats new in our lives (mine and Blake's, that is). So far our page seems somewhat bland, but hopefully as time goes and events happen, it gets more exciting. So, let me update you on our lives...

Blake has been at Kwal Paint, in Park City, for seven years now, much to his dismay. He has been the store manager for two years. He's one of the most intelligent people I've ever met and is quite bored at the store, there isnt much more to learn. He's hoping to go back to school in the new year coming so he may expand his horizons, and brain :) He is also the best husband EVER. He is very sweet and always puts my needs ahead of his own. We are going on 2 and a 1/2 years of marriage, and still feels like the honeymoon phase. For the most part! These days he enjoys working on his hobby truck, which can now run at freeway speeds. Much to MY dismay, all the small parts and pieces are always scattered all over the living room floor, and it runs louder than a screaming banchee! Whatever makes him happy right?!

I am in my third year at Stuart Fraser Salon in downtown Provo. I'm currently working part time, due to my health, as many of you already know.. it sucks, and that pretty much sums it up! I recently had surgery on my feet due to Plantar Fascitis. For those of you who don't know what that is, basically in a nutshell, my plantar fascia tendons were tearing away from my heal bones. I needed to get that fixed. As it turns out, I'm a slow healer, but I'm hoping for the best! I'll be all better just in time for my next surgery, the gastric bypass. Which should cure a whole bunch of ailments, such as sleep apnea.. amongst other things. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited to have it done. Hopefully mid January will be the beginning of the rest of my life!
As for my hobbies, I have many pets. I now have four ferrets, and NO they are not rodants! They are actually considered exotic pets, the vet bills prove that! Many do not know much about them, so they dont understand. They each have their very different individual personalities, and are a lot of work. They are incredibly intelligent, yet have the attention span of a 2 yr. old. They are highly entertaining. My "ferret children" are very spoiled and well loved. They call me the "ferret lady" at Petco. I'm not sure how I feel about that exactly, haha! Their names are JD, Ellie, Turk, and Carlie. If any of you watch the show "Scrubs" you will understand the thought behind their names.
I also have a baby horse, Bella, she was born April 16th. Which would make her 8 months old now. She is getting tall and her coloring is turning out to be unique, but beautiful. She is part Palomino, part Bay (she's a quarter horse). Her coat is turning a very rich reddish brown color of the bay in her, and her mane and tail are starting to lighten up, like a palomino.. she has three white socks and a white blaze on her face. I guess I still can't believe I actually have a horse of my own. For those of you who knew me growing up, know that its a dream come true :)

As a couple, Blake and I love to go camping, fishing, four-wheeling, motorcycling, movie-watching, taking trips, going on little adventures... my new year resolution is to take lots of pictures, and keep this thing updated! For now I will post some glimpses of this past year (2008) to catch you all up!

That's it for now. We love you all, and miss all of you who are far away. We think of you often!


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